03 9589 5435


What regular maintenance do airlines require?
A large number of businesses use compressor powered airlines to provide users with breathing air as well as powering machinery, spray guns, sandblasters etc.
Many business owners are unaware that in addition to good business practice, the Australian Standard places specific obligations on management with regard to the regular servicing and testing of airlines that supply breathing air.
Safety Air has prepared a helpful short guide for business owners and managers on Airlines - Regular servicing and testing obligations.

What do users of ammonia refrigeration need to know?
Users of anhydrous ammonia based refrigeration face specific compliance requirements with regard to the type, number, storage and maintenance of respiratory protection equipment they have on site.
These compliance requirements also extend to the training of any staff likely to use the equipment.
Safety Air has prepared a guide on Victorian respiratory protection requirements for ammonia based refrigeration users
Also available are PPE compliance kits for ammonia based refrigeration users.

When should I have my equipment serviced?
We recommend that all equipment is serviced and certified every six months in order to comply with all Australian Standards and manufacturer requirements.
In addition, during its service life equipment will often require major overhauls at defined intervals specified by the manufacturer.

How long will it take to service my equipment?
While most of our customers are booked into regular six monthly scheduled servicing, we also offer non scheduled call out servicing when our help is urgently required - this includes 24 hour availability.
As we service and repair customer equipment on site in fully equipped ‘Mobile Workshops’, customers are not deprived of their equipment unless an item requires major repair. Subject to availability, we also offer loan equipment and cylinders to cover offsite repairs or testing.

How often do I need to get my air cylinders tested?
The test period depends upon cylinder type and specification and ranges from 3-5 years for most portable breathing air cylinders.
Cylinders are marked with a stamp or a permanently affixed label which will have the last hydrostatic test date. If a cylinder is out of the required test period it must be retested before it can be refilled.

What should I consider when buying equipment?
Any equipment we recommend to a customer must be both:
“Best for purpose”
This means it's the right equipment for the customer's specific needs and avoids, wherever possible, proliferation of brands (This reduces operator familiarity, causing potential problems in an emergency and/or necessitates extra training);
This includes taking the full lifetime cost of ownership into consideration and not recommending the most highly specified (and expensive) equipment when not justified by the customers's needs.